Presenter Portal

Presenter Portal

This is the presenter page where you can: 

  • Submit your abstract and extended abstract
  • Upload your short CV and presentation
  • Sign the mandatory Speaker Agreement form
  • Register for the event
  • Book accommodation if needed

Abstract Submission
Please save your presentation in the following format: Company Name_Abstract Title_Author Name_Version #. Your presentation is 20-25 minutes long with 5-10 minutes allocated for questions. The deadline is April 11, 2025.

Final or Extended Abstract Submission
Please save your work in the following format: Company Name_Abstract Title_Author Name_Version #. The deadline is May 30, 2025.

Presentation Submission
We need your PowerPoint presentation in advance of the Congress. Please prepare your presentation in 16:9 PowerPoint slides using your company's template and save it in the following format: Company Name_Presentation Title_Author Name_Version #. Your presentation is 20-25 minutes long, with 5-10 minutes allocated for questions. The deadline is June 6, 2025.

Short CV
A short CV will help the moderator to present you to the audience.

Speaker Agreement Form
Please fill in and sign the mandatory speaker agreement.

Register using the button below. 

Book Accommodation
Book your hotel here.